Summary of Ugandan Public Procurement Guidelines for Supporting Local Businesses and Marginalized Groups

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The Ugandan government has established public procurement guidelines to promote participation from local providers and associations representing women, youth, and people with disabilities.

Local Providers:

  • Priority for Ugandan Products: Government entities must prioritize procuring products manufactured in Uganda from national and resident providers.
  • Subcontracting: In cases where a foreign company is the main contractor, at least 30% of the value of the work must be subcontracted to local providers.
  • Locally Made Inputs: All inputs manufactured in Uganda must be procured from national and resident providers.

Women, Youth, and Persons with Disabilities:

  • Reservation of Budget: A minimum of 15% of an entity's annual procurement budget must be reserved for awarding contracts to registered associations representing women, youth, and persons with disabilities.
  • Procurement Thresholds:

    • Central government entities: Procurement opportunities valued at or below 30 million shillings will be reserved for these associations.
    • Local government entities: Procurement opportunities valued at or below 10 million shillings will be reserved for these associations.

These guidelines aim to achieve two key goals:

  1. Boosting the Local Economy: By prioritizing locally made products and services, the government is supporting Ugandan businesses and creating jobs.
  2. Empowering Marginalized Groups: Reserving a portion of the budget for associations representing women, youth, and people with disabilities creates opportunities for these groups to participate in the economy.

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